This is a creamy delicious chicken casserole that can be served by itself or with a salad as a complete meal. It is very simple to make and very delicious!...
This recipe tastes best with a Hawaiian style BBQ sauce, but if one isn't available, just use your own favorite. Every time I fix this, everyone LOVES...
Delicious and tender grilled chicken on a bed of lettuce, tomato and mayo sandwiched between two slices of toasted French bread. Bacon and provolone cheese...
Tasty marinated chicken gets a kick from smokey ancho chili peppers. Serve with a mandarin and spring green salad and a good Riesling. Alternately, you...
This is a unique recipe I created, that combines the idea of a bbq chicken pizza that is layered like a lasagna. I have won first place with this recipe....
Garlic-stuffed chicken breasts are wrapped with prosciutto, roasted until the prosciutto is crispy, then served with a orange-cranberry jus. This impressive...
This has been forgotten in our family for the longest time. Just recently, this unique and delightful recipe has been revived, and is a favorite with family...
This has been forgotten in our family for the longest time. Just recently, this unique and delightful recipe has been revived, and is a favorite with family...
Sour Cream Wine Chicken that won me a grand prize win and first place in the main dish category! It is easy and delicious. I named it after an old friend,...
This is a classy dish and easy to make! It includes boneless chicken breast, lemon juice, black pepper and some salt. To top it with some style, I throw...
This chicken pot pie is a step away from the traditional pot pie, as it uses puff pastry, rotisserie chicken, California blended vegetables, a sauce reminiscent...
Best company recipe I ever tried. It was originally given to my mother 30 yrs ago, and she had to swear to keep it a secret! A good accompaniment for this...
Best company recipe I ever tried. It was originally given to my mother 30 yrs ago, and she had to swear to keep it a secret! A good accompaniment for this...
Best company recipe I ever tried. It was originally given to my mother 30 yrs ago, and she had to swear to keep it a secret! A good accompaniment for this...
This grilled chicken recipe is the perfect compliment of sweet and savory. This recipe pairs well with grilled vegetables or a nice, light spinach salad....
Chicken breasts stuffed with a mixture of sausage, mushrooms, onion, garlic and blue cheese dressing; coated with Creole seasoning, seared and baked. These...
Chicken breasts stuffed with a mixture of sausage, mushrooms, onion, garlic and blue cheese dressing; coated with Creole seasoning, seared and baked. These...
Chicken breasts stuffed with a mixture of sausage, mushrooms, onion, garlic and blue cheese dressing; coated with Creole seasoning, seared and baked. These...
This is an awesome recipe that incorporates some of my favorite foods! This recipe has it all, Muenster cheese, provolone cheese, bacon, chicken and a...
These lightly breaded chicken breasts are bathed in a creamy tarragon and mustard sauce. They're quick to fix as a weeknight meal yet fancy enough for...
This was a recipe of my mom's that I manipulated in true Byrdhouse form. Everyone loves this one, even the kids if you take it easy with the red pepper....
This recipe is a delicious fruity twist on traditional pan-fried chicken! I've made this for several friends and family members, and it has gotten rave...
This recipe is an awesome alternative to a red barbeque sauce for chicken. It was a neighborhood favorite during summer when I was growing up. Submitted...
This is a beautiful stuffed crescent braid! The filling tastes great and the presentation is beautiful. This is great for family gatherings and/or feasts...
This goes into the cooker quickly, with no precooking and chicken straight from the freezer. I like to put it in before we leave for church so I can come...
Succulently delicious chicken breasts marinated in pear juice and coconut cream. Has a mixture of spicy sweet seasonings. Perfect served over white rice...